Tenants provide a way to logically group your Applications and tokens. Common use cases for Tenants may be to create one per environment such as development, QA, and production or to isolate business domains from each other. Tenant data is isolated from other tenants unless explicitly shared.
Get a Tenant
Retrieves the Tenant associated with the provided BT-API-KEY
- cURL
- JavaScript
- C#
- Python
- Go
curl "https://api.basistheory.com/tenants/self" \
-H "BT-API-KEY: key_N88mVGsp3sCXkykyN2EFED"
import { BasisTheory } from "@basis-theory/basis-theory-js";
const bt = await new BasisTheory().init("key_N88mVGsp3sCXkykyN2EFED");
const tenant = await bt.tenants.retrieve();
using BasisTheory.net.Tenants;
var client = new TenantClient("key_N88mVGsp3sCXkykyN2EFED");
var tenant = await client.GetSelfAsync();
import basistheory
from basistheory.api import tenants_api
with basistheory.ApiClient(configuration=basistheory.Configuration(api_key="key_N88mVGsp3sCXkykyN2EFED")) as api_client:
tenants_client = tenants_api.TenantsApi(api_client)
tenant = tenants_client.get()
package main
import (
func main() {
configuration := basistheory.NewConfiguration()
apiClient := basistheory.NewAPIClient(configuration)
contextWithAPIKey := context.WithValue(context.Background(), basistheory.ContextAPIKeys, map[string]basistheory.APIKey{
"ApiKey": {Key: "key_N88mVGsp3sCXkykyN2EFED"},
tenant, httpResponse, err := apiClient.TenantsApi.Get(contextWithAPIKey).Execute()
Returns a Tenants for the provided BT-API-KEY
. Returns an error if the Tenant could not be retrieved.
"id": "f88da999-b124-4a14-acde-cbc121444f14",
"owner_id": "97cec6e8-a143-4fb4-9ab0-cf7e49242d21",
"name": "My Tenant",
"settings": {
"fingerprint_tokens": "false",
"deduplicate_tokens": "false"
"created_by": "fb124bba-f90d-45f0-9a59-5edca27b3b4a",
"created_at": "2020-09-15T15:53:00+00:00",
"modified_by": "fb124bba-f90d-45f0-9a59-5edca27b3b4a",
"modified_at": "2021-03-01T08:23:14+00:00"
Update Tenant
Update the Tenant associated with the provided BT-API-KEY
- cURL
- JavaScript
- C#
- Python
- Go
curl "https://api.basistheory.com/tenants/self" \
-H "BT-API-KEY: key_N88mVGsp3sCXkykyN2EFED" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-X "PUT" \
-d '{
"name": "My Example Tenant",
"settings": {
"fingerprint_tokens": "true",
"deduplicate_tokens": "true"
import { BasisTheory } from "@basis-theory/basis-theory-js";
const bt = await new BasisTheory().init("key_N88mVGsp3sCXkykyN2EFED");
const tenant = await bt.tenants.update({
name: "My Example Tenant",
settings: {
fingerprint_tokens: "true",
deduplicate_tokens: "true",
using BasisTheory.net.Tenants;
var client = new TenantClient("key_N88mVGsp3sCXkykyN2EFED");
var tenant = await client.UpdateAsync(new Tenant {
Name = "My Example Tenant"
Settings = new Dictionary<string, string> {
{ "fingerprint_tokens", "true" },
{ "deduplicate_tokens", "true" },
import basistheory
from basistheory.api import tenants_api
from basistheory.model.update_tenant_request import UpdateTenantRequest
with basistheory.ApiClient(configuration=basistheory.Configuration(api_key="key_N88mVGsp3sCXkykyN2EFED")) as api_client:
tenants_client = tenants_api.TenantsApi(api_client)
tenant = tenants_client.update(update_tenant_request=UpdateTenantRequest(
name="My Example Tenant"
package main
import (
func main() {
configuration := basistheory.NewConfiguration()
apiClient := basistheory.NewAPIClient(configuration)
contextWithAPIKey := context.WithValue(context.Background(), basistheory.ContextAPIKeys, map[string]basistheory.APIKey{
"ApiKey": {Key: "key_N88mVGsp3sCXkykyN2EFED"},
updateTenantRequest := *basistheory.NewUpdateTenantRequest("My Example Tenant")
"fingerprint_tokens": "true",
"deduplicate_tokens": "true",
tenant, httpResponse, err := apiClient.TenantsApi.Update(contextWithAPIKey).UpdateTenantRequest(updateTenantRequest).Execute()
Request Parameters
Attribute | Required | Type | Default | Description |
name | true | string | null | The name of the Tenant. Has a maximum length of 200 |
settings | false | string | Tenant Settings | The settings for the Tenant |
Returns a tenant if the Tenant was updated. Returns an error if there were validation errors, or the Tenant failed to update.
"id": "f88da999-b124-4a14-acde-cbc121444f14",
"owner_id": "97cec6e8-a143-4fb4-9ab0-cf7e49242d21",
"name": "My Example Tenant",
"settings": {
"fingerprint_tokens": "true",
"deduplicate_tokens": "true"
"created_by": "fb124bba-f90d-45f0-9a59-5edca27b3b4a",
"created_at": "2020-09-15T15:53:00+00:00",
"modified_by": "fb124bba-f90d-45f0-9a59-5edca27b3b4a",
"modified_at": "2021-03-01T08:23:14+00:00"
Delete Tenant
Delete the Tenant associated with the provided BT-API-KEY
- cURL
- JavaScript
- C#
- Python
- Go
curl "https://api.basistheory.com/tenants/self" \
-H "BT-API-KEY: key_N88mVGsp3sCXkykyN2EFED" \
import { BasisTheory } from "@basis-theory/basis-theory-js";
const bt = await new BasisTheory().init("key_N88mVGsp3sCXkykyN2EFED");
await bt.tenants.delete();
using BasisTheory.net.Tenants;
var client = new TenantClient("key_N88mVGsp3sCXkykyN2EFED");
await client.DeleteAsync();
import basistheory
from basistheory.api import tenants_api
with basistheory.ApiClient(configuration=basistheory.Configuration(api_key="key_CxEaZMmFu3UAcuNcCbvBVu")) as api_client:
tenants_client = tenants_api.TenantsApi(api_client)
package main
import (
func main() {
configuration := basistheory.NewConfiguration()
apiClient := basistheory.NewAPIClient(configuration)
contextWithAPIKey := context.WithValue(context.Background(), basistheory.ContextAPIKeys, map[string]basistheory.APIKey{
"ApiKey": {Key: "key_N88mVGsp3sCXkykyN2EFED"},
httpResponse, err := apiClient.TenantsApi.Delete(contextWithAPIKey).Execute()
Returns an error if the Tenant failed to delete.
Get Tenant Usage Report
Retrieves the Tenant Usage Report associated with the provided BT-API-KEY
- cURL
- JavaScript
- C#
- Python
- Go
curl "https://api.basistheory.com/tenants/self/reports/usage" \
-H "BT-API-KEY: key_N88mVGsp3sCXkykyN2EFED"
import { BasisTheory } from "@basis-theory/basis-theory-js";
const bt = await new BasisTheory().init("key_N88mVGsp3sCXkykyN2EFED");
const tenantUsageReport = await bt.tenants.retrieveUsageReport();
using BasisTheory.net.Tenants;
var client = new TenantClient("key_N88mVGsp3sCXkykyN2EFED");
var tenantUsageReport = await client.GetTenantUsageReportAsync();
import basistheory
from basistheory.api import tenants_api
with basistheory.ApiClient(configuration=basistheory.Configuration(api_key="key_N88mVGsp3sCXkykyN2EFED")) as api_client:
tenants_client = tenants_api.TenantsApi(api_client)
tenant_usage_report = tenants_client.get_tenant_usage_report()
package main
import (
func main() {
configuration := basistheory.NewConfiguration()
apiClient := basistheory.NewAPIClient(configuration)
contextWithAPIKey := context.WithValue(context.Background(), basistheory.ContextAPIKeys, map[string]basistheory.APIKey{
"ApiKey": {Key: "key_N88mVGsp3sCXkykyN2EFED"},
tenantUsageReport, httpResponse, err := apiClient.TenantsApi.GetTenantUsageReport(contextWithAPIKey).Execute()
Returns a Tenant Usage Report for the provided BT-API-KEY
. Returns an error if the Tenant Usage Report could not be retrieved.
"token_report": {
"metrics_by_type": {
"token": {
"count": 123,
"last_created_at": "2020-09-15T15:53:00+00:00"
"card": {
"count": 456,
"last_created_at": "2020-09-15T15:53:00+00:00"
"bank": {
"count": 789,
"last_created_at": "2020-09-15T15:53:00+00:00"
"included_monthly_active_tokens": 50,
"monthly_active_tokens": 987
Tenant Object
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | uuid | Unique identifier of the Tenant |
owner_id | uuid | The user ID which owns the Tenant |
name | string | The name of the Tenant |
settings | Tenant Settings | The setting for the Tenant |
created_by | uuid | (Optional) The ID of the user that created the Tenant |
created_at | date | (Optional) Created date of the Tenant in ISO 8601 format |
modified_by | uuid | (Optional) The ID of the user or Application that last modified the Tenant |
modified_at | date | (Optional) Last modified date of the Tenant in ISO 8601 format |
Tenant Settings Object
Attribute | Type | Description |
fingerprint_tokens | string | (Bool) Whether the default fingerprint expression is applied if no fingerprint expression is provided on the token |
deduplicate_tokens | string | (Bool) Whether tokens are deduplicated on creation and updates |
Tenant Usage Report Object
Attribute | Type | Description |
token_report | Token Report | Token Usage Report for Tenant |
Token Report Object
Attribute | Type | Description |
metrics_by_type | map\<string, TokenTypeMetrics> | Token Metrics by TokenType |
included_monthly_active_tokens | long | Number of included monthly active tokens for the billing plan |
monthly_active_tokens | long | Number of tokens that have been created, read, or used in the current month |
To learn more about Monthly Active Tokens (MATs), check out our guide.
Token Type Metrics Object
Attribute | Type | Description |
count | long | Number of tokens |
last_created_at | date | (Optional) Last created date in ISO 8601 format |